Dates to Remember
May 17—JH Event, Field Day
May 17–Prom
May 20-22—Finals
May 22–Graduation
May 23—Awards Ceremonies
May 23-June 6–Office Closed
June 10-27–Summer Office Hours, M-Th, 9-12
July 1-11–Office Closed
July 15-30–Office Open M-Th, 9-3
July 29, 4-7 Meet the Teachers for New Scholars
July 31–First Day of School
Prom tickets at
Additional tickets have been SOLD OUT.
Scholars are released to go home after their awards ceremony.
Purchase in the MySchoolBucks store and pick up in the front office.
Coming off the sidelines is BSN SPORTS Fleece Collection! Head over to your HEROES Sideline Store now and get after it. SHOP NOW
We continue our efforts to maintain a clean and healthy campus. Please continue to encourage your scholars to wash hands frequently and to stay home if they experience symptoms of illness.
Here are three favorite sources:
If you have not created a 4 year plan for High School, make an appointment with Mr. McCambridge as soon as possible.
Teacher and Staff Birthdays
May 6–Mr. Boyer
May 7–Ms. Loertscher
May 8–Mr. Plumb
May 15–Mr. Lowery
May 28–Ms. Kuecker
May 30–Mr. Saathoff
May 30–Mrs. Weiler
June 3–Mr. McCambridge
June 7–Mrs. Lueraharris
June 8–Coach Burke
June 19–Mr. White
July 1–Ms. Wadsworth
July 4–Ms. Villa
July 5–Ms. Espinoza
July 12–Mrs. Wilson
July 19–Mr. Cucciarre
July 24–Mrs. Farris
July 25–Coach Grafsgaard
July 29-Mr. Cowell