Elective Courses

All scholars are encouraged to expand and improve their talents. We encourage scholars to take an interest in and involve themselves in music, art and sports. All 7th grade scholars need to be enrolled in a choir or an instrumentals class; all 8th grade scholars need to be enrolled in an art, choir, or an instrumentals class. All scholars wishing to join the orchestra will audition with Mr. Sigmund Rothchild and will be placed according to skill level. Classes are available from beginning to advanced levels.

Scholars are also encouraged to develop their physical abilities. All junior high scholars are required to take at least one P.E. class each year. Heritage Academy offers P.E. classes and competitive team sports which include after school programs.

Girls’ P.E. classes include: fitness, Kenpo, weight training, pilates, and golf (fee required), swimming (fee required).

Girls’ team sports include: volleyball (fee required), basketball (fee required), soccer (fee required), softball (fee required), and golf (fee required – non-refundable once semester starts). The team sports will involve league competition in the Charter Athletic Association (CAA).

Boys’ P.E. classes include: Kenpo, fitness, golf (fee required), swimming (fee required), pilates.

Boys’ team sports include: flag football *JH (fee required), basketball** (fee required), baseball (fee required), soccer (fee required), track and field, and golf (fee required). Team sports will compete in the Charter Athletic Association. (CAA)  For course descriptions please see the Course Curriculum guide below.

Junior High Course Electives
Elective Fee Boys Girls Elective Fee Boys Girls
Basketball $125 X X Golf** $75 X X
Baseball $100 X Dance $25 X
Flag Football $75 X Kenpo I-II N/A X X
Soccer $75 X X Fitness N/A X
Volleyball $100 X Softball $75 X
High School Course Electives
Elective Fee Boys Girls Elective Fee Boys Girls Elective Fee Boys Girls
Basketball $125 X X Golf** $75 X X Kenpo I-V N/A X X
Baseball $100 X Club Fitness $30 X Fitness N/A X
Tackle Football $225 X Dance or Ballet $25 X Ballroom Dance I-III N/A X X
Soccer $75 X X Tennis N/A Pilates N/A X X
Volleyball $100 X Sr. Art $15 X X Weight Training N/A X X
Softball $100 X Digital Imaging $15 X X Physical Education N/A X X
Swimming $150 X X Adv Dig Imaging $15 X X