Good Afternoon Heritage Families,
Our first day of online learning is starting on August 5th. We do have communication coming soon regarding what to expect the first day of school and a virtual tour of our campus, so please keep an eye out for that. In the meantime, we have a few important items to share.
CLASS SCHEDULES – Schedules are available to view online at this time. Please log in to PowerSchool to see your current schedule. Should you need to a request a change please fill out the: SCHEDULE CHANGE REQUEST. Please do not directly email Mrs. Asanovich with changes. At this time only requests submitted through the form will be processed. All schedule change requests should be submitted by Thursday, July 30th at 3:00pm.
MEET THE TEACHER – Our meet the teacher event has been cancelled for Thursday and will be a virtual presentation instead. Information will be emailed on Thursday, 7/30. An email will be sent out with a link to the webpage with all the information needed. You will also be able to Meet your Teachers through videos posted in each teacher’s google classroom.
POWERSCHOOL LOGINS – You may check your PowerSchool account to view your schedule, check grades, see previous grades, etc. All Parent PowerSchool Access codes have been sent out via email (most sent last week or June) so check your emails including your spam folder. If you did not receive your parent access codes, please complete the POWERSCHOOL LOGIN REQUEST FORM. For additional helps, please see our instruction sheet: HOW TO LOG IN TO POWERSCHOOL
GOOGLE CLASSROOM – All Heritage scholars have been assigned an email address to use to sign-in to Google Classroom. They will use their Student ID found on their PowerSchool Login for their unique email. Watch the video or follow the step by step document guide for instructions. Teachers will be sending out google classroom invites on Monday 8/3.
We have several ways you may purchase your uniforms this year:
Dennis Uniform—online sales, delivery to your home,, school code: QHL
Tommy Hilfiger—online sales, delivery to your home,, search “Heritage Academy”
Land’s End–,–>School–>Find your school–>Search “Heritage Academy”
Educational Outfitters—Educational Outfitters–Online sales only now
Printed Desert—online sales, school pick-up, (not operated by Heritage Academy), Rebecca Thomas at 480-250-3298 is our contact
Have a great week!
Heritage Academy Administration