Weekly Update 8.11.2022

Dates to Remember

Aug. 8-11--Class Fees are Invoiced

Aug. 18--Class Fees Due

Aug. 19—Senior Pictures

Aug. 22—Picture Day

Aug. 22-25—Junior High Scholar Council Elections

Sept. 5-6–Labor Day, No School

Sept. 12-15—Constitution Week

Sept. 15—Constitution Night

Sept. 17—Making of America Seminar

Oct. 10-13—Fall Break, No School

Oct. 18—Vocality Concert

Oct. 20—Choir Concert

An Invitation to Heritage Families

10 August 2022

Dear Parents and Friends of Heritage Academy,

Welcome to another school year. Even though we have seen many changes in scholars, teachers, and campuses throughout the 28 years since being one of the first charter schools in Arizona, we can assure you that our commitment to our mission has not changed. In part, our mission statement says:

“While teaching the academic disciplines, Heritage Academy is dedicated to instilling into the minds and hearts of today’s youth a knowledge of and respect for the ideals and values of the  great men and women of history, including those who founded the American nation.

“As today’s rising generation gains an appreciation of these people of accomplishment, they will be ready to provide selfless service to their fellow citizens and to their country which will be required in the coming years to assist in preserving America’s greatness. Heritage Academy exists to this end.”

One of the methods we have to ensure that all our staff understands our mission is to require all  employees to attend a Making of America Seminar at least once every three years. This one-day seminar  explores where America’s Founders got their good ideas and how they implemented them into our founding documents. This exciting story of America’s beginning reveals that the Founders had answers to nearly every problem we have in America today. It is a story that is sadly not taught in most schools today, hence, the social confusion which exists.

In today’s climate where parents are becoming increasingly alarmed when learning what is sometimes taught to their children in many schools, and in the spirit of openness, we are inviting all parents and  interested friends to attend our next regular seminar on Saturday, September 17th. The details are contained in the attached flyer. This seminar will be taught by Earl Taylor, Jr., the founder of Heritage Academy. We guarantee you will be thrilled with the real story of America and be able to make sense of  the social confusion which exists, especially during an election year. It is also timely because September 17th is Constitution Day, being 235 years since the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787.

So, we invite you and your friends to be with us. While walk-ins are welcome, we urge you to follow the directions at this site and register your attendance so we can make sure we have enough materials for each attendee. What a great way to start the new school year, especially with your teen-age children.


Jared Taylor
Heritage Academy Schools




Senior Portraits will be by Prestige Portraits on Friday, August 19th at the school.  This will be your picture that will be featured in the yearbook.  If you do not choose to have Prestige take your photo on August 19th your school picture that is taken on Picture Day (August 22nd) in your uniform polo will be used for the yearbook.  You can schedule your senior portrait on their website at prestigeportraits.com.  YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO PURCHASE A PACKAGE–the yearbook portrait is complimentary.




Purchase in the MySchoolBucks store and pick up in the front office.




Please remember dress and grooming standards.  Uniforms Required.


Go here for more information.





Make your grocery bill go further by helping out the PTO.  Fry’s will donate when you link your VIP card to their community rewards program and choose Heritage Academy Laveen PTO as the beneficiary!

Check it out here.




Hey, join our ‘Heritage Academy Laveen PTO’ group on BAND – The app for groups and communities!

2022-23 PTO Meetings

August 10th 6:30pm

November 9th 6:30pm

January 18th 6:30pm

April 19th 6:30pm

We continue our efforts to maintain a clean and healthy campus.  Please continue to encourage your scholars to wash hands frequently and to stay home if they experience symptoms of illness.


Visit our senior page to learn about college fairs, scholarships, and graduation here.


If you have not created a 4 year plan for High School, make an appointment with Mr. McCambridge as soon as possible.



Stay Tuned for Trips to Come!

Southern Arizona

Puerto Rico

Independence Tour

Performing Arts Retreat


Southern Arizona History Trip

Teacher and Staff Birthdays

August 1—Mr. Hulihee

August 18—Mr. Witcher


For up-to-date sports schedules, go here.

By |2022-08-11T17:30:11-07:00August 11th, 2022|Announcement, News|Comments Off on Weekly Update 8.11.2022

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