Dates to Remember
Sept. 2—Labor Day
Sept. 12, 7 PM—PTO Meeting
Sept. 16-19—Constitution Week
Sept. 19—Constitution Night
Sept. 25—Parent Night
Sept. 26—Dollars for Duds
Sept. 28—Homecoming Dance
Oct. 2-3—Jostens on campus for senior orders
October 7-10—Fall Break
Oct. 17, 7 PM—PTO Meeting
Oct. 31—Halloween
Nov. 8-9—Junior High Musical, Aladdin
Nov. 11—Veteran’s Day, No School
Nov. 14, 7 PM—PTO
Nov. 22-23—High School Play, The Mouse that Roared
Nov. 27-28—Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 6—Band/Choir Concert
Dec. 7—Santa Drop Community Event
Dec. 10—Night of Treteau
Dec. 12, 7 PM—PTO Meeting
Dec. 14—Dance Performance
Dec. 16-19—Finals Week
Dec. 19—Last Day of Semester 1
Dec. 23-Jan.2—Christmas Break
Jan. 6—Semester 2 begins
ge this text.

Mr. Arnold will hold a final informational meeting on Thursday, September 5th at 7:00 in room 320 for anyone interested in going on the France tour. We will be visiting Paris and exploring Normandy over Spring Break 2020. Click here to see an itinerary and additional details: –
Please contact Mr. Arnold with any questions –

Homecoming 2019
For grades 9-12
Saturday, September 28
Tickets available now at for $20
Tickets available at the front desk for $25.
Get your tickets now!
Prices go up $5 on September 1st.
Use this QR code now to track your citizenship service hours!
January 8-11
Come participate in drumline, orchestra, show choir, ballroom, yearbook, Disney choir, drama, slam poetry or dance!
See Mrs. Denny for details.
Yearbooks are now 15% off. They will never be this low again. Hurry and order yours now!
September 25
Photos from

Spanish/Science Tour
For: Freshmen and sophomores in 2019-20
When: Spring Break 2019
To: Puerto Rico
Contact: Mr. Halterman with questions at
Liberty Tour
For: Juniors and seniors in 2019-20
When: Fall Break 2019
To: New York, Boston, Pennsylvania
Contact: Mr. Sheffer with questions at
For: Performing arts scholars in grades 7-12
When: January 2020
Where: Tonto Rim Christian Camp near Payson, Arizona.
Speak to your performing arts department teacher for details.
France 2020
For: High school students
When: Spring 2020
Contact: Mr. Arnold with questions at