Dates to Remember
Sept. 12–NJHS/NHS Inductions
Sept. 16-19–Constitution Week
Sept. 19–Constitution Night
Sept. 26–High School Pep Assembly
Sept. 27–Homecoming Game
Sept. 28–Homecoming Dance
Oct. 7-10–Fall Break, No School
Oct. 14-17–Scholar Council Mental Health Week
Oct. 24–Senior Bonfire
Oct. 25–JH Scholar Council Event
Nov. 7–JH Show
Nov. 11–Veteran’s Day, No School
Nov. 15–Dance Concert
Nov. 18-21–Scholar Council Charity Week
Nov. 21–JH Movie Night
Nov. 26–Broadway Solos Concert
Nov. 27-28-Thanksving Break, No School
Dec. 5–Band Concert
Dec. 5–Choir Concert
Dec. 12-14–HS Musical, Hello Girls
Dec. 16-19–Finals Week, Attendance Required
Dec. 19–Last Day of Semester 1
Dec. 23-Jan. 2–Christmas Break, No School
You can sign up HERE to help the PTO!
Seniors must purchase their cap and gown from Jostens to walk in graduation. The deadline to purchase is September 30th. The “cap and gown unit” for $48.95 is the only purchase required. Jostens has many additional items to purchase but they are all optional. You may purchase the cap and gown only at this direct link. Please note that any Class of 2025 apparel purchased from Jostens is NOT approved to be worn at school on days other than Dollars for Duds days.
For more information please go here.
Click here for the pick-up/drop-off traffic flow map.
Purchase in the MySchoolBucks store and pick up in the front office.
We continue our efforts to maintain a clean and healthy campus. Please continue to encourage your scholars to wash hands frequently and to stay home if they experience symptoms of illness.
Here are three favorite sources:
If you have not created a 4 year plan for High School, make an appointment with Mr. McCambridge as soon as possible.
Teacher and Staff Birthdays
September 4–Mrs. Nash
September 7–Mrs. Cid
September 23–Sensei Dulaney
September 24–Mrs. Burras