Dates to Remember
Sept. 6-7—Labor Day Break, No School
Sept. 8–6:30 PM, PTO Meeting
Sept. 13-16–Homecoming Spirit Week
Sept. 16—Pep Rally
Sept. 18—Homecoming
Sept. 20—Hearing and vision screening
Sept. 22—Picture Day
Sept. 20-23—Constitution Week
Sept. 23—Constitution Night
Sept. 24—Senior Pictures
Sept. 30— Dollars for Duds (dress out of uniform day–$1 for top, $1 for bottom)
Oct. 4-7—Fall Break
Oct. 16–PSAT
Make your grocery bill go further by helping out the PTO. Fry’s will donate when you link your VIP card to their community rewards program and choose Heritage Academy Laveen PTO as the beneficiary!
PSAT/NMSQT Exam – Grades 10 & 11 ONLY, Saturday, October 16, 7:30 – 11:30 AM at Heritage Academy Laveen, Cost is $20. Sign-up now (Your payment through MySchoolBucks is your registration) Registration and payment due by Sept. 10th or when all spots are filled. ONLY 80 seats available for 2 campuses (Laveen and Maricopa).
The PSAT is an optional preparatory test for the SAT with four focus areas: reading, writing, language, and math. The most common reasons for taking the PSAT are:
-To help prepare for the SAT. You will become familiar with the kinds of questions and the exact directions you will see on the SAT.
-To enter the competition for scholarships from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (grade 11).
-To assess your strengths and weaknesses on skills necessary for college study. how your performance on admissions tests compares to other students applying to college.
-To receive information from colleges when you check “yes” to Student Search Service
Questions? Please contact Greg McCambridge, College Relations Manager or 602-290-8546
Our September PTO meeting is on September 8 at 6:30 pm in room 131. We’ll be discussing the upcoming Constitution Week and Constitution Night.

If you have not created a 4 year plan for High School, make an appointment with Mr. McCambridge as soon as possible.
We are excited that we will be able to offer the Liberty Tour to Boston and New York this fall. All of our regularly scheduled attractions are expected to be fully open when we visit October 4-9 this fall. This tour is open to all Juniors and Seniors at all four Heritage campuses, so it is first come, first served. Please go here for the trip itinerary and payment schedule.
If you are interested please go here to be added to the waitlist
A popular way to pay for these tours is to collect ECA donations from Arizona family and friends. If you would like family and friends to donate on your behalf and receive the tax credit by doing so, please share these directions on how to make those payments.
Teacher and Staff Birthdays
September 2—Ms. Chisenski
September 22—Ms. Lewis
September 23—Mrs. Dulaney
For up-to-date sports schedules, go here.