PTO Info Packet

Please fill out the form below.

  • PTO Dues are used for:
  • -Constitution Week activities
  • -School Play/Musical concessions
  • -Trunk or Treat
  • -Father/Son and Mother/Daughter activities (rotates each year with Father/Daughter and Mother/Son)
  • "End of Year Appreciation Luncheon" and Staff gifts
  • -School “End of Year Gift” with leftover funds (past gifts have been lighting for the stage, outdoor PA system, help fund new awning, etc.)
  • We use the dues for fun activities and staff/school gifts and then we start over again the next year! (ONLY $20 PER FAMILY paid at registration)
  • Thank you in advance for your generous support.
  • If you would also like to get in on the fun and participate with activities such as decorating your trunk for Trunk or Treat, or helping with refreshments at one of our many performances, please add your name and email address below and return this form with your registration packet.
  • Yes, I would be happy to volunteer at the PTO activities:
  • You are also welcome to come to our monthly meetings held on the second Tuesday of the month.
  • (see Heritage Academy calendar on our website:
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.