Dates to Remember

Dates to Remember

Oct. 17, 7 PM—PTO Meeting

Oct. 24—SMCC Lunch and Learn

Oct. 31—Halloween, Dollars for Duds

Nov. 8-9—Junior High Musical, Aladdin

Nov. 11—Veteran’s Day, No School

Nov. 14, 7 PM—PTO

Nov. 22-23—High School Play, The Mouse that Roared

Nov. 27-28—Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 6—Band/Choir Concert

Dec. 7—Santa Drop Community Event

Dec. 10—Night of Treteau

Dec. 12, 7 PM—PTO Meeting

Dec. 14—Dance Performance

Dec. 16-19—Finals Week

Dec. 19—Last Day of Semester 1

Dec. 23-Jan.2—Christmas Break

Jan. 6—Semester 2 begins


We have lots of games to finish off our fall seasons in football, volleyball, and cross country!

Come support your Heroes!

Check out the game schedule here.


Next week our citizenship classes will be discussing mental health awareness and suicide prevention.

Scholar Council will be organizing activities to support mental health awareness.

Ask your scholar about the experiences that they have and their thoughts.


October 17

7 PM



Friday, November 8:  7 PM

Saturday, November 9:  10 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM

All shows are at

Heritage Academy

Purchase tickets here at


2020-21 Enrollment Coming in November 2019!


On Oct. 24 South Mountain Community College will do a lunch and learn to go over FAFSA and scholarship information.


Click here for a helpful resource when scheduling testing dates for your college applications.

Important Dates:

October 1st :  FAFSA opens up!

October 3rd:  SAT Registration Deadline


Mr. Herrera will be working closely with your family this year to assist your senior with post-graduation goals. Schedule your Senior Meeting now by clicking here.


Use this QR code now to track your citizenship service hours!


January 8-11

Come participate in drumline, orchestra, show choir, ballroom, yearbook, Disney choir, drama, slam poetry or dance!

See Ms. Romito for details.


Spanish/Science Tour

For:  Freshmen and sophomores in 2019-20

When:  Spring Break 2019

To:  Puerto Rico

Contact:  Mr. Halterman with questions at

For:  Performing arts scholars in grades 7-12

When:  January 2020

Where:  Tonto Rim Christian Camp near Payson, Arizona.

Speak to your performing arts department teacher for details.

France 2020

For:  High school students

When:  Spring 2020

Contact:  Mr. Arnold with questions at

Teacher and Staff Birthdays:

Oct. 18—Mr. Lund

Oct. 28—Mrs. Rowland