Dates to Remember
Dates to Remember
Oct. 31—Halloween, Dollars for Duds
Nov. 8-9—Junior High Musical, Aladdin
Nov. 11—Veteran’s Day, No School
Nov. 14, 7 PM—PTO
Nov. 22-23—High School Play, The Mouse that Roared
Nov. 27-28—Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 6—Band/Choir Concert
Dec. 7—Santa Drop Community Event
Dec. 10—Night of Treteau
Dec. 12, 7 PM—PTO Meeting
Dec. 14—Dance Performance
Dec. 16-19—Finals Week
Dec. 19—Last Day of Semester 1
Dec. 23-Jan.2—Christmas Break
Jan. 6—Semester 2 begins

Your grocery bill is going to go up around the holidays. Make it go further by helping out the PTO. Fry’s will donate when you link your VIP card to their community rewards program and choose Heritage Academy Laveen PTO as the beneficiary!. Check it out here.

Friday, November 8: 7 PM
Saturday, November 9: 10 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM
All shows are at
Heritage Academy
Purchase tickets here at
2020-21 Enrollment Coming in November 2019!
The U.S. Air Force will have a table outside during lunch for any scholars wanting to learn more on November 12.
Juniors and Seniors will have a Lunch and Learn in the music room on November 18th where Wyotech will be presenting their offered programs.
December 6th – Bus leaves at 8AM – (you will be back to school by no later than 1:30 pm)
To RSVP- Please return your permission slips to Mr. Herrera by no later than Friday, November 29th.
Click here for a helpful resource when scheduling testing dates for your college applications.
Important Dates:
December 7th, SAT
deadline to register is 11/8
late registration deadline is 1 1/26
December 14th, ACT
deadline to register is 11/8
late registration deadline is 11/22
Mr. Herrera will be working closely with your family this year to assist your senior with post-graduation goals. Schedule your Senior Meeting now by clicking here.
Use this QR code now to track your citizenship service hours!
January 8-11
Come participate in drumline, orchestra, show choir, ballroom, yearbook, Disney choir, drama, slam poetry or dance!
See Ms. Romito for details.

Spanish/Science Tour
For: Freshmen and sophomores in 2019-20
When: Spring Break 2019
To: Puerto Rico
Contact: Mr. Halterman with questions at
For: Performing arts scholars in grades 7-12
When: January 2020
Where: Tonto Rim Christian Camp near Payson, Arizona.
Speak to your performing arts department teacher for details.
France 2020
For: High school students
When: Spring 2020
Contact: Mr. Arnold with questions at